Registration is CLOSED for the Twilight Shuffle.
Now in its 16th year, the MainStreet Libertyville Twilight Shuffle is an annual 5K run for runners aged 9 and older. Runners will enjoy a 3.12-mile run through one of the most scenic (yet hilly) neighborhoods in downtown Libertyville as local residents cheer them on. The race will be professionally chip-timed, and each registrant will receive a 2023 Twilight Shuffle technical fabric T-shirt, bib, entrance to the pre-race sponsor expo and post race festivities.
The start/finish area is adjacent to the parking lots along the north side of Newberry Ave. just north of the Liberty Theater building. The Sponsor Expo, which is held in these lots, opens to racers at 4:00 pm on race day. Preregistered runners who have not picked up their packets ahead of time may do so from 4:00-5:45 pm in this area. Restrooms, a first aid tent, gear check, water stations, and sponsor booths will be located in this area.
To make the course safer and more efficient, we will be lining up runners in waves, roughly according to their pace time, but also to keep runners spaced out during the beginning of the race.
Race Director Info
Please direct any questions about the race to the Twilight Shuffle Race Director
Email: shuffle5k@mainstreetlibertyville.org
Phone: (847) 680-0336
Volunteer Opportunities
Sponsorship Opportunities
Are you interested in this year’s sponsorship opportunities?
Contact Jennifer at MainStreet Libertyville. (847) 680-0336.
Volunteer Opportunities
Twilight Shuffle – Signup Sheet|SignUp.com
– – – Big THANK YOU to the volunteers for your support and enthusiasm to keep Libertyville moving!