Golf outing and committee volunteers, John and Ginny Dereu
John and Ginny Dereu are enthusiastic co-chairs of the annual golf outing, a fundraising event for MainStreet Libertyville, which has been held each year for over 10 years. This couple has worked on the golf committee for almost the entire time. They are extremely hard workers for the golf outing, always working to insure its success, both financially and as an experience that golfers keep coming back. It is amazing how much time and effort the committee members devote to the event, including solicitation of sponsors, donors, and even recruiting golfers (although the event is usually a sellout or very close).
How did you get started and why did you volunteer for MainStreet Libertyville?
Ginny saw an announcement about MainStreet volunteers. She went to a meeting and thought the golf committee might need some help. While at the meeting she met Bob & Helene Killackey who have volunteered for MainStreet for years. So, we volunteered and after the first year, we became co-chairs of the golf committee.